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正如文學作家歌德曾說『人之所以愛旅行,不是為了抵達目的地,而是為了享受旅途中的種種樂趣。』明亮的健身房讓獨遊的旅人放鬆身心恢復體力,傍晚來到日暮步道,由夕陽美景陪伴。大人與小孩一同體驗室內親子童玩樂趣,豐富的手作課程寓教於樂。蘊泉庄貼心地為旅人打造各項悠閒設施,任賓客與至親好友共享永恆的幸福時光。 Goethe once said “People love to travel not because they want to arrive at the destination, but because they want to enjoy the journey.”
The bright gym provides a space for the weary traveler to relax and recharge. In the evening, Sunset Walkway to admire the breathtaking sunset. The indoor facility provides quality bonding time with your family, and DIY courses provides a fun filled learning experience. YUN ESTATE HOTEL seeks to provide relaxing space and various thoughtful facilities to allow guests to create blissful memories with their loved ones and friends.