旅宿 Accommodation
客房以五行富藴命名,意謂四季風光皆沁入居室之中。房內以簡約素雅的概念,融媃東方禪意風格,每間客房皆有起居室、餐廳、卧室、溫泉浴池,23坪以上通透明亮的空間詮釋美學生活感官。沐浴用品選用BVLGARI沐浴系列糅和淨化,提升渡假層次與心靈的奢華享受,賓客可獨享精緻奢華優雅的天然浸潤,蘊蓄內外兼修的完美品味。 The guest rooms are named after the elements: the autumn-themed Golden Lodge Suite, the winter-themed Water Lodge Suite, the summer-themed Fire Lodge Suite, the spring-themed Wood Lodge Suite, and the Earth Lodge Suite for the beginning of each season. Each room blends beautifully with a specific season. The room interior features a minimalist and elegant design with Oriental and Zen elements. Each guest room offers between 75 to 100 square meter of spaciousness comfort as well as private in-room hot spring. The bath accessories are BVLGARI. Guests can enjoy a private moment of exquisite and luxurious elegance in their personal hot spring bath and experience ultimate and thorough relaxation and rejuvenation for the mind and body.